De AI-aangedreven enkele bron van waarheid voor vervoer- en logistieke organisaties

Guru brengt uw routegidsen, vlootmanuals, douanedocumenten en meer samen door enterprise AI-zoekopdracht, intranet en wiki te combineren—wat logistieke analisten, vlootmanagers, personeel van luchtvaartmaatschappijen en import/export specialisten snelle, betrouwbare toegang geeft tot wat ze dagelijks nodig hebben, terwijl het inzichten biedt om leveringen te optimaliseren.
Met Guru krijgen vervoerteams een enkele vertrouwde platform om zendingdetails, voertuig specificaties en routegegevens te centraliseren—waardoor medewerkers zelf informatie kunnen ophalen en slimmer kunnen werken.
Key capabilities for transportation and logistics

Instant, trusted AI answers to vehicle, route, and cargo questions
Logistics staff get quality guidance the moment they need it, reducing interruptions and expediting delivery. Answers are sourced from connected apps and surfaced directly in your workflows and tools you use daily so the knowledge you need is always at your fingertips.

Central repository for specs, customs forms and more
Consolidate evolving transportation plans, vehicle specs, and trade regulations in one up-to-date platform teams can rely on.

Secure automation and logistics precision for delivery excellence
Guru uses smart automation to draft docs and identify gaps and duplicate content—then taps your top experts to verify accuracy, maintaining a trusted single source of truth.
Get instant AI Answers from your content
Keep tabs on what your team is searching for with expert review
Write like a pro with AI-powered content assist
Add trust to your company knowledge with verification
Proactively push relevant info where it’s needed with knowledge triggers
Send critical updates that can’t be missed with announcements
Unlock potential across transportation and logistics roles
Logistics Analysts
- Optimize networks faster with TMS integration
- Improve delivery times using carrier performance trends
- Adjust routes quicker in response to bottlenecks
Fleet Managers
- Reduce maintenance costs with PM optimization insights
- Minimize fleet downtimes by identifying common failure points
- Keep technicians productive using self-serve repair references
Import/Export Specialists
- Accelerate customs clearance by applying proven strategies
- Confidently classify goods with trusted content on-hand
- Overcome language barriers using auto-translate