Confluence & Guru: Integrated Knowledge For Product & Development Teams

With Guru’s Confluence Sync, easily sync assets from Confluence Cloud and empower your team with a unified Guru knowledge base. Syncing a Confluence Space to Guru allows your team to view Confluence pages as Cards, along with the rest of your Guru knowledge. Break down knowledge silos, maintain a company-wide single-source of truth, and empower your team with real-time development updates with Guru’s Confluence integration. 
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Knowledge Sync
With Guru’s Confluence Sync, easily sync assets from Confluence Cloud and empower your team with a unified Guru knowledge base
Knowledge Sync

How Guru works with Confluence

Guru’s Knowledge Sync from Confluence creates a constant flow of knowledge from Confluence pages into Guru Cards, so that your team can trust that they’re using accurate, up-to-date information. 

Once knowledge is migrated into Guru, it can be displayed permanently as Synced, or Guru’s verification engine can be enabled like Cards created natively in Guru. This allows your team to know that this knowledge is not only coming from another source, but is also actively kept updated by your team’s experts.

Support your development and go-to-market teams with product information as soon as they need it

Keep your go-to-market and product teams focused in their workflows and prevent an additional tab by bringing knowledge from Confluence directly into Guru. Prevent your team from having to update multiple sources of information as projects progress, or from having to search multiple sources for the knowledge they need.

How do I integrate Guru with Confluence?

In Guru's Web App, click your Avatar on the top-right and select Team Settings from the drop-down options, and select the Knowledge Sync tab in the left sidebar. Select Sync a New Collection, and then select “Confluence Cloud.” Enter your Confluence subdomain and Space Key (to find this in Confluence, navigate to 'Space Settings'. The Space Key is found under 'Key'). Create an API Token from Confluence, and insert it into the API Token Field. Enter the email address you used to generate the Confluence API Token in the User Email field. Finally, enter a name for your new Guru Collection (ex: Confluence Content), and select a color. Click Create to initiate the sync.