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July 24, 2024
XX min read

Re:amaze vs PivotalTracker


When it comes to managing customer inquiries or project-related tasks, selecting the right tool can make a significant difference in efficiency and outcome. Re:amaze and PivotalTracker are two robust tools that, although designed for somewhat different purposes, offer invaluable features for teams looking to improve their operations.

Re:amaze is a helpdesk and customer messaging platform specifically designed for websites, stores, and apps. It enables businesses to provide exceptional customer support through various channels, including live chat, email, social media, mobile SMS/MMS, VOIP, and FAQ Knowledge Bases.

On the other hand, Pivotal Tracker is a cloud-based project management tool that is primarily geared towards software teams. Renowned as the world's most popular tool for agile project management, Pivotal Tracker assists teams in building and managing software projects efficiently.

Comparing these tools is essential for identifying which one can better meet the specific needs of a business, providing clarity for teams who wish to optimize their customer support or project management tasks.

Re:amaze Overview

Key Features

Re:amaze offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline customer support and improve user interactions:

  • Multi-Channel Support: Integrates live chat, email, social media, mobile SMS/MMS, VOIP, and FAQ Knowledge Bases into one platform.
  • Advanced Automation: Automates repetitive tasks, saving time and improving response rates.
  • CRM Integration: Seamlessly integrates with various CRM systems to provide rich customer interaction histories.
  • Customizable Workflow: Customizable workflows and tags to organize and prioritize customer inquiries.
  • Performance Reporting: In-depth analytics and reporting tools to track team performance and customer satisfaction metrics.
  • Collaboration Tools: Internal team chat and tagging features to collaborate effectively within support inquiries.
  • Customizable Chat Widgets: Fully customizable chat widgets to match your brand’s look and feel.
  • Mobile Support: Mobile apps to manage customer support on-the-go.

Pivotal Tracker Overview

Key Features

Pivotal Tracker is designed to help software teams manage their projects more effectively, offering a range of features tailored towards agile project management:

  • Real-Time Collaboration: Enables teams to collaborate in real-time, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  • User Story Mapping: Allows users to develop user stories and map out project requirements visually.
  • Automatic Planning: Automatically plans iterations and projects based on team velocity and priorities.
  • Progress Tracking: Detailed tracking of project progress with burndown charts and other visual tools.
  • Integrations: Integrates with diverse development tools and services, such as GitHub, Slack, and JIRA.
  • Customizable Workflows: Customizable workflows to match the team’s processes and requirements.
  • Epics and Stories: Breaks down large projects into manageable epics and user stories.
  • API Access: Provides API access for extended customization and integration capabilities.


Both Re:amaze and Pivotal Tracker offer robust solutions for improving team efficiency and collaboration. They share some common functionalities that can be beneficial regardless of the primary use case:

  • Multi-User Collaboration: Both tools support multiple users, enabling teams to work together effectively.
  • Customizable Workflows: Each tool allows for the customization of workflows, which helps tailor the platform to specific team needs.
  • Integration Capabilities: Both platforms boast numerous integrations with other tools, enhancing their core functionalities.
  • Real-Time Updates: Re:amaze and Pivotal Tracker provide real-time updates, ensuring that teams are always working with the most current information.
  • Mobile Support: Both platforms offer mobile applications, making it easier to manage tasks on-the-go.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Comprehensive reporting and analytics features are available on both platforms, helping teams to track performance and make data-driven decisions.


Despite their similarities, Re:amaze and Pivotal Tracker serve distinct primary purposes and exhibit key differences:

  • Primary Use Case: Re:amaze is focused on customer support and external communication, while Pivotal Tracker is aimed at project management for software development teams.
  • Communication Channels: Re:amaze excels in handling multiple customer communication channels, such as live chat and social media, whereas Pivotal Tracker is designed for internal team collaboration.
  • Automation Features: Re:amaze offers automation for customer responses and workflows, which can streamline support processes. Pivotal Tracker’s automation is more focused on project planning and task management.
  • User Interface: Re:amaze’s interface is geared towards fast, responsive customer service, while Pivotal Tracker is designed to visualize Agile workflows and user story mapping.
  • Knowledge Base: Re:amaze includes a built-in FAQ and Knowledge Base feature, which is critical for customer self-service. This feature is not native to Pivotal Tracker.
  • Target Audience: Re:amaze targets a broader audience that includes e-commerce, SaaS, and other web-based businesses. In contrast, Pivotal Tracker specifically targets software development teams.

Pros and Cons



  • Comprehensive multi-channel support consolidates various communication channels.
  • Integrates with popular CRM systems to provide a unified view of customer interactions.
  • Advanced automation saves time by handling repetitive tasks.
  • Customizable chat widgets enhance brand consistency.
  • Detailed analytics and reporting improve team performance tracking.


  • May have a steeper learning curve for users unfamiliar with multi-channel support systems.
  • Customization options can be overwhelming for smaller teams.
  • Focuses primarily on customer support rather than broader project management needs.

Pivotal Tracker


  • Highly effective for managing software development projects using Agile methodology.
  • Strong collaboration features that streamline team communication.
  • Automatic iteration planning based on team velocity.
  • Breaks down complex projects into manageable tasks with epics and stories.
  • Integrates with popular development tools, enhancing workflow efficiency.


  • Primarily focused on software development, which may not be suitable for other industries.
  • Lacks comprehensive customer support features.
  • Can be complex for teams not familiar with Agile project management.

Use Cases


Re:amaze is ideal for businesses needing to manage and streamline their customer support operations across multiple channels. Here are some ideal use cases:

  • E-commerce Stores: Manage customer inquiries, track orders, and provide live chat support.
  • SaaS Companies: Offer quick, responsive support through various channels and maintain an FAQ Knowledge Base for self-service.
  • Mobile Apps: Provide in-app messaging support while integrating with social media and VOIP.

Pivotal Tracker

Pivotal Tracker is best suited for software development teams looking to manage their projects using Agile practices. Ideal use cases include:

  • Software Development Teams: Structure and track progress on software projects using user stories, sprints, and epics.
  • Startups: Manage product development and iteration planning as the team grows and scales.
  • Agile Coaches: Facilitate Agile methodology adoption within development teams.


Re:amaze and Pivotal Tracker serve distinct, yet equally valuable purposes within a business setting. Re:amaze is an exceptional tool for managing customer support across various communication channels, making it an excellent choice for e-commerce, SaaS companies, and businesses requiring multifaceted customer interaction capabilities.

Conversely, Pivotal Tracker excels in managing software development projects through agile practices, providing detailed progress tracking, real-time collaboration, and automatic planning, making it the ideal solution for software development teams and Agile-driven projects.

When choosing between these tools, assess your primary needs: If you require robust customer support with multi-channel communication capabilities, Re:amaze is the way to go. If your focus is on managing software projects and enhancing team collaboration using Agile methods, Pivotal Tracker will better meet those requirements.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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