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July 24, 2024
XX min read

Sesame vs Access PeopleHR


In the realm of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), two prominent tools stand out: Sesame HR and Access PeopleHR. These applications streamline and optimize the human resources functions critical to organization success. Sesame HR excels in digitizing and automating HR processes, making it a valuable asset for managers and HR executives aiming to enhance employee experience by freeing up time from routine tasks. On the other hand, Access PeopleHR is tailored for small to mid-sized businesses, offering comprehensive HR functionalities like applicant tracking, personnel management, and performance reviews. This comparison delves into their similarities, differences, and unique features to help you choose the best fit for your needs.

Sesame HR Overview

Key Features

Sesame HR's primary focus is simplifying HR processes through digitization and automation. Here are some key features:

  • Time Tracking and Attendance: Employees can clock in and out using mobile devices or web browsers, making adherence tracking seamless.
  • Leave Management: The platform offers a robust leave management system, allowing for easy requests, approvals, and tracking of various leave types.
  • Employee Records Management: Digitization of employee records ensures all relevant information is accessible and easy to update.
  • Performance Appraisals: Regular appraisal cycles are automated, with customizable templates and review metrics.
  • Document Management: Secure storage and easy retrieval of HR-related documents.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Generate in-depth reports on various HR metrics to inform strategic decision-making.

Access PeopleHR Overview

Key Features

Access PeopleHR caters to small and mid-sized businesses, providing essential HR functionalities. Key features include:

  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS): A comprehensive system to manage job postings, track applicants, and streamline recruitment processes.
  • Personnel Tracking: Create and manage detailed employee profiles with unlimited document storage.
  • Performance Reviews: Tools to set performance goals, conduct reviews, and track employee progress.
  • Document Management: Unlimited storage allows you to attach necessary documents to each employee's profile for easy access.
  • Time and Attendance: Efficient tracking of employee attendance and working hours.
  • Employee Self-Service Portal: Enables employees to manage their own information, reducing administrative burdens on HR departments.


Both Sesame HR and Access PeopleHR share several common functionalities that make them valuable HRIS tools:

  • Employee Records Management: Both systems allow for comprehensive employee record management, including document storage.
  • Performance Review Tools: Each tool offers mechanisms to conduct performance reviews and track employee development.
  • Time and Attendance Tracking: Robust systems in place for managing employee attendance and working hours.
  • Document Management: Secure and efficient handling of HR documents.
  • Employee Self-Service: Both provide portals enabling employees to update their information and manage leave, enhancing self-sufficiency.


While both tools have strong HRIS capabilities, key differences set them apart:

  • Target Audience: Sesame HR is designed for managers and HR executives seeking to automate routine processes, while Access PeopleHR targets small to mid-sized businesses requiring a comprehensive HR solution.
  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS): Access PeopleHR includes a dedicated ATS for managing recruitment, which is not a core feature of Sesame HR.
  • Unlimited Document Storage: Access PeopleHR offers unlimited document storage, allowing businesses to attach extensive paperwork to employee profiles.
  • Focus on Automation: Sesame HR emphasizes automation in its workflows to save HR departments time, whereas Access PeopleHR provides a broader suite of functionalities without as heavy a focus on automation.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Sesame HR provides advanced analytics and reporting capabilities to give deeper insights into HR metrics compared to Access PeopleHR.

Pros and Cons

Sesame HR


  • Strong focus on automation, saving time on routine tasks.
  • Advanced analytics and reporting for better decision-making.
  • Efficient time tracking and leave management.
  • User-friendly interface designed for managers and HR executives.


  • Lack of a dedicated ATS.
  • May not cover all HR functions required by larger or more complex businesses.
  • Limited document storage compared to Access PeopleHR.

Access PeopleHR


  • Comprehensive HRIS covering a wide range of functions.
  • Unlimited document storage.
  • Powerful ATS for managing the recruitment process.
  • Suitable for small to mid-sized businesses looking for an all-in-one solution.


  • Less focus on automating routine processes.
  • Basic analytics and reporting compared to Sesame HR.
  • Interface might be less intuitive for users focused primarily on automation.

Use Cases

Sesame HR

Sesame HR is ideal for organizations that prioritize time-saving through automation and have a focused need for efficient time tracking, leave management, and performance reviews. It suits HR executives looking to streamline routine tasks and gain deep insights from robust analytics.

Example Scenario: A mid-sized company with a growing workforce needs to digitize its HR processes to free up HR managers' time for strategic initiatives. They value automation and detailed analytics to inform their HR strategies.

Access PeopleHR

Access PeopleHR is better suited for small to mid-sized businesses requiring a comprehensive HR solution including recruitment, personnel tracking, and unlimited document storage. It's ideal for organizations needing an all-in-one platform to handle various HR tasks efficiently.

Example Scenario: A rapidly expanding small business needs a scalable HRIS that includes applicant tracking to streamline hiring, comprehensive personnel management, and performance review functionalities. They require limitless storage for employee documents and a user-friendly platform for daily HR operations.


Both Sesame HR and Access PeopleHR offer substantial value as HRIS tools, but their differing focuses and feature sets make them suited to different organizational needs. Sesame HR excels in automation and analytics, making it ideal for companies looking to save time on routine processes and gain deeper insights into HR metrics. Access PeopleHR provides a more comprehensive suite of HR functionalities, including an ATS, making it ideal for small to mid-sized businesses needing an all-encompassing HR solution.

Choosing between Sesame HR and Access PeopleHR depends on your organization's specific requirements. If your priority is automating routine HR processes and gaining advanced analytics, Sesame HR is a strong choice. Conversely, if you need a robust, all-in-one HR platform with extensive document storage and a powerful recruitment system, Access PeopleHR might be the better fit. Both tools enhance HR efficiency, but understanding your unique needs will guide you to the right decision.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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