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How TIM uses Guru to simplify information access, making daily work easier

How an IT service provider is transforming knowledge management

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Company background

TIM (Tecnologías de la Información de la Mancha) is a leading IT service provider specializing in the hospitality industry. With over 15 years of experience, TIM supports a diverse clientele by offering comprehensive technical support, consulting, and innovative solutions to streamline operations and enhance customer experience. The company is dedicated to improving knowledge management and addressing industry-specific challenges through cutting-edge technology.

The problem

TIM faced significant challenges in consolidating and managing knowledge across various platforms. Their existing use of Slack and Google Workspace across their various partners was proving to be costly and inefficient, particularly due to the lack of integration and difficulty in maintaining and searching for the most up to date information. The company’s need to support a dynamic hospitality sector that often sees a lot of employee turnover exacerbated these issues, leading to fragmented knowledge and inefficiencies in internal communication.

Jesús, a key figure at TIM, highlighted the struggle with maintaining his team's knowledge and the sprawl of information in various channels within Slack, which caused confusion and hindered productivity. “I have been a customer of Atlassian products for more than 15 years, but they are implementing their AI very very slowly, and it's only inside the Atlassian product. If you want to get answers from outside, it’s a challenge. Confluence is so big and it’s difficult to find anything.”  

The manual transfer of knowledge from GSuite to Slack and the challenges in integrating other tools like Intercom further compounded the problem. TIM needed a robust solution to centralize knowledge, improve accessibility, and streamline internal processes.

The solution

TIM turned to Guru’s platform to address these challenges. Guru’s ability to consolidate knowledge from various sources and provide a centralized repository for information was the perfect solution for TIM’s needs. The platform’s ease of use and capability to integrate with existing tools like Intercom and Google Workspace made it an ideal choice. Jesús tried many many other tools and even tried building something with a few integration developers, but it was not going to be easy. “At the end of the day, in my opinion, Guru can concentrate the knowledge and improve that knowledge to all the platforms like in Confluence, or Jira, or Intercom,” Jesús said. 

The approach

The implementation process involved several key steps:

Assessment and planning

Jesús and his team assessed the existing knowledge management processes and identified key areas for improvement. They focused on consolidating information from multiple sources into a single search platform.

Integration and customization

Guru’s platform was integrated with TIM’s existing tools, including Slack, Jira and Google Workspace. These integrations facilitated seamless knowledge sharing and ensured that all relevant information was easily accessible.

Employee engagement and training

A Knowledge Council was established within TIM, involving employees in the management and upkeep of knowledge. This council plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality and relevance of the information stored in Guru. Through the AI Training Center, they can see what questions are being asked most frequently and know what information to update or create.  Jesús noted, “Before Guru I didn’t get that knowledge maintenance was important.  When I introduced Guru in my company, I started a knowledge council with a few employees.  While I have both Confluence and Guru for knowledge management, it’s easier for my team to maintain the health of the information in Guru than Confluence.”

Ongoing optimization

Continuous feedback from users helped fine-tune the system. Issues such as the organization of Slack channels and decisions on where new information should live were addressed to further improve the efficiency of knowledge management.

The outcome

The adoption of Guru transformed TIM’s knowledge management processes, leading to several notable outcomes.

Centralized knowledge repository

All information across Jira, Guru, and Google Drive is now easily accessible in the Guru platform, reducing the time spent searching for information and context switching.

Improved efficiency 

Guru’s integrations with other existing tools, like Slack, streamlined workflows and minimized the need for manual data sharing.

Enhanced employee involvemen

The establishment of a Knowledge Council empowered employees to contribute to and manage the knowledge base, fostering a culture of shared responsibility and sustainability.

Time savings 

By reducing reliance on multiple platforms and optimizing the use of existing tools, TIM achieved significant time savings.

Overall, Guru provided TIM with a robust and scalable solution to their knowledge management challenges, enabling the company to better support the hospitality industry and drive business growth. Jesús concluded, “For me, I love it. At the end of the day, you ask a question and get results from Drive and Jira and many other places.”

Key Stats

Customer Testimonials

Key Takeaways

Guru Capabilities Leveraged

Enterprise search
Slack integration
Published on 
September 12, 2024
June 26, 2024

Further reading

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