Best Practices for Sourcing and Creating Company Wide Information
Optimize internal communication with best practices for sharing company-wide information. Ensure relevance and actionability with Guru's essential questions.
Time Isn't the Main Thing. It's the Only Thing: How We’re Fixing Internal Comms at Guru
When we started to experience information overload at Guru, we wanted to fix things. See how we're enabling better internal communication and deeper focus.
Hybrid Work is Just Work: Going Digital By Default
It's time to stop referring to it as hybrid work, and start calling it what it is: work. See the key questions to ask as you redevelop your work culture.
Use Knowledge Management to Create Release Notes Templates and Streamline Your Product Delivery Process
Learn the secret to writing great release notes, what to include in your template, and how to use knowledge to streamline your product delivery process.
Reassessment or Resignation: Using Culture and Knowledge to Combat the Great Resignation
Worried about losing employees to the Great Resignation? The easiest way to keep employees is the give them the knowledge and culture they need to thrive.
Driving a Culture of Empathy and Knowledge in a Crisis
Companies with a knowledge-driven culture are better equipped to handle the transition to remote work. Here are the tools to facilitate the reboot of work.
Can't focus? It's not your fault. The reality of remote work-life needs new language and new, explicit boundaries. Find out how balance digital wellness.
Julia Soffa
Senior Manager of Internal Communications at Guru
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