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July 24, 2024
XX min read

Justworks vs Charlie


In the realm of HRIS (Human Resources Information System) tools, finding the right software solution can be transformative for any business. Two prominent contenders in this space are Justworks and Charlie. 

Justworks is a multi-product solution offering global payroll, benefits, compliance support, time tracking, HR tools, and more with award-winning support by HR-certified experts. On the other hand, Charlie is a cloud-based HR software designed to simplify all HR processes, from onboarding new hires and storing company documents to managing time off, running productive reviews, and getting professional HR advice. It's an easy, holistic system for managing all your People needs.

Choosing the right HRIS tool is crucial for any business as it impacts efficiency, compliance, and employee satisfaction. Let’s dive into a detailed comparison of Justworks and Charlie to help you decide which might be the best fit for your needs.

Justworks Overview

Justworks offers a comprehensive suite of HR solutions aimed at small to midsize businesses. With a focus on streamlining HR processes and ensuring compliance, Justworks provides a robust platform complemented by expert support.

Key Features

  • Global Payroll: Automates payroll calculations, ensuring all employees are paid accurately and on time, regardless of location.
  • Benefits Administration: Offers a variety of employee benefits, including health insurance, 401(k) plans, and more.
  • Time Tracking: Simplifies the tracking of employee hours, sick days, and PTO.
  • Compliance Support: Ensures that your business complies with federal, state, and local regulations.
  • HR Tools: Provides a range of tools to manage employee data, performance reviews, and onboarding.
  • Certified HR Experts: Access to top-notch HR professionals for advice and support.

Charlie Overview

Charlie stands out as a user-friendly HR software designed to make managing people processes seamless. Charlie aims to ease the burden of HR tasks, enabling businesses to focus more on growth and less on administrative work.

Key Features

  • Onboarding: Simplifies the process of bringing new hires onboard, ensuring a smooth transition.
  • Document Storage: Safely store and access all company documents in one place.
  • Time Off Management: Allows employees to book and manage their paid time off with ease.
  • Performance Reviews: Facilitates regular and productive employee reviews.
  • Professional HR Advice: Offers access to expert HR advice whenever needed.


Both Justworks and Charlie serve as robust HRIS tools, and they share several similarities:

  • HR Management: Both platforms provide comprehensive HR management tools that streamline the entire employee lifecycle from onboarding to offboarding.
  • Time Management: Each solution includes features for tracking time off and managing attendance.
  • Employee Data Management: Both tools offer functionalities to securely store and manage employee information and company documents.
  • Expert Support: Justworks and Charlie provide access to professional HR advice to help businesses navigate complex HR landscapes.


While Justworks and Charlie share some core functionalities, there are notable differences between them:

  • Depth of Features: Justworks offers a more extensive range of features, including global payroll and benefits administration. Charlie, on the other hand, focuses more on simplifying HR processes like onboarding and performance management.
  • Compliance Support: Justworks provides extensive compliance support, helping businesses adhere to federal, state, and local regulations. Charlie’s compliance features are less comprehensive.
  • Target Audience: Justworks is geared towards small to midsize businesses looking for a multi-product HR solution. Charlie is ideal for businesses seeking a straightforward, user-friendly HR tool.
  • Pricing Structure: Justworks generally operates on a per-employee pricing model, which could scale with the size of your team. Charlie offers more predictable and potentially more affordable pricing for small teams.

Pros and Cons



  • Comprehensive feature set covering payroll, benefits, compliance, and time tracking.
  • Strong compliance support ensuring adherence to various regulations.
  • Access to HR-certified experts for reliable support and advice.
  • Efficient automation reduces the need for manual HR tasks.


  • More expensive compared to some other HRIS tools, particularly for small teams.
  • May have a steeper learning curve due to the breadth of features.



  • User-friendly interface designed for ease of use.
  • Simplifies key HR processes like onboarding, time off management, and performance reviews.
  • Affordable pricing, making it ideal for startups and small businesses.
  • Fast implementation due to its straightforward features.


  • Limited in-depth features compared to Justworks, such as payroll and benefits administration.
  • Less comprehensive compliance support might require additional tools or services.

Use Cases


Justworks is ideal for:

  • Growing Businesses: Companies scaling up and needing a robust, scalable HRIS solution with extensive features.
  • Compliance-Focused Firms: Businesses that require strong compliance support to navigate complex regulatory environments.
  • Companies with Benefits Needs: Organizations looking to offer competitive employee benefits and efficiently manage payroll.


Charlie is well-suited for:

  • Startups and SMEs: Smaller companies that prioritize ease of use and simpler, holistic HR processes.
  • HR Teams Seeking Simplicity: Teams that want to reduce administrative burdens without compromising on core HR functionalities.
  • Flexible Workplaces: Workplaces that need effective performance review systems and easy time off management.


In comparing Justworks and Charlie, it becomes clear that each tool caters to different needs and business sizes.

Justworks provides a comprehensive and powerful HRIS solution, ideal for businesses requiring a wide range of features including global payroll, benefits, and deep compliance support. Its robust set of functionalities and access to HR-certified experts make it a top choice for growing businesses with complex HR needs.

Conversely, Charlie excels with its simplicity, affordability, and user-friendly interface. It offers an excellent option for startups and small businesses that need an efficient, straightforward system for HR management.

Ultimately, the best choice between Justworks and Charlie depends on the specific needs of your business. If you require extensive HR capabilities and strong compliance support, Justworks is likely the better fit. If simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and ease of use are your priorities, then Charlie might be the ideal solution.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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