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July 24, 2024
XX min read

Liveperson vs Gladly


Choosing the right ticketing tool for your business can be crucial for optimizing customer service and operational efficiency. In this comparison, we delve into two leading customer service platforms, LivePerson and Gladly, to help you determine which one may best meet your needs.

LivePerson is the global leader in enterprise conversations. Hundreds of the world’s leading brands — including HSBC, Chipotle, and Virgin Media — use its Conversational Cloud platform to engage with millions of consumers safely and responsibly. LivePerson powers a billion conversational interactions each month, providing a uniquely rich data set and safety tools to unlock Generative AI and Large Language Models for achieving better business outcomes.

Gladly, on the other hand, is a radically personal customer service platform built around people rather than cases or tickets. It aims to turn customer service agents into heroes by giving them one lifelong, channel-independent conversation with all the context needed to build lasting connections and loyalty. Brands like Ralph Lauren, Allbirds, Bombas, Crate&Barrel, Ulta Beauty, and Warby Parker use Gladly to grow customer brand loyalty, increase customer lifetime value, and create happier, more efficient, and empowered service teams.

By comparing these ticketing tools, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your organization’s goals and customer service strategies.

LivePerson Overview

LivePerson offers an advanced platform for enterprise conversations, built to engage customers across various channels seamlessly.

Key Features

  • Conversational AI: Utilizes Generative AI and Large Language Models to automate customer interactions and provide real-time assistance.
  • Conversational Cloud: Integrates multiple communication channels, including SMS, messaging apps, and social media, into a unified platform.
  • Rich Analytics: Provides in-depth insights and analytics on customer interactions to drive data-driven decisions.
  • Security & Compliance: Ensures secure and compliant communications with features like data masking and end-to-end encryption.
  • Scalability: Can handle millions of conversations monthly, suitable for large enterprises with vast customer bases.
  • Personalization: Tailors interactions based on customer data and past interactions to enhance the customer experience.
  • Integration Capabilities: Easily integrates with existing CRM and other enterprise systems.

Gladly Overview

Gladly aims to revolutionize customer service by focusing on customer relationships, enabling personalized and cohesive interactions.

Key Features

  • Customer-Focused Design: Built around individuals, not case or ticket numbers, enabling a comprehensive view of customer history and interactions.
  • Unified Inbox: Integrates all communication channels into a single inbox, making it easier for agents to manage conversations.
  • Rich Customer Profiles: Maintains detailed customer profiles that include history, preferences, and past interactions for personalized service.
  • Channel Agnostic: Supports seamless conversations across multiple channels such as email, chat, social media, and SMS without losing context.
  • Task Automation: Automates repetitive tasks, reducing agents' workloads and enabling them to focus on complex issues.
  • Collaboration Tools: Allows agents to collaborate easily within the platform, improving team efficiency.
  • Real-Time Reporting: Provides real-time analytics and reporting to measure performance and customer satisfaction.
  • Empowering Agents: Simplifies the agent experience by providing all the information needed to resolve issues promptly.


LivePerson and Gladly share several similarities as ticketing tools, focusing on enhancing customer engagement and operational efficiency.

  • Multi-Channel Communication: Both platforms allow communication through various channels, including SMS, social media, email, and chat.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Both offer robust analytics and reporting features to track performance and customer satisfaction.
  • Integration Capabilities: They integrate seamlessly with existing CRM systems and other enterprise tools.
  • Customer Personalization: Use customer data to personalize interactions, improving customer experiences.
  • Automation: Implement automation to handle routine tasks and streamline workflows, though LivePerson uses more advanced AI functionalities.


Despite their similarities, LivePerson and Gladly also have distinct differences setting them apart as ticketing tools.

  • Focus: LivePerson is centered around leveraging AI and machine learning for conversations, while Gladly is built around individual customer experiences and relationships.
  • AI Capabilities: LivePerson uses sophisticated Generative AI and Large Language Models for real-time interaction. Gladly focuses more on leveraging customer data to provide personalized service.
  • Scalability: LivePerson's infrastructure is designed to handle billions of interactions per month, making it more suitable for extremely large enterprises. Gladly is geared towards growing customer brand loyalty and enhancing service teams.
  • Security Focus: LivePerson emphasizes high-security standards with end-to-end encryption and compliance features, appealing to industries with stringent security needs.
  • User Interface: Gladly offers a highly intuitive and streamlined user interface that's channel-agnostic and designed for seamless conversation management. This differs from LivePerson, which integrates various channels into a unified platform but may require more training to navigate.

Pros and Cons



  • Advanced AI and machine learning capabilities.
  • Robust integration with various communication channels.
  • Strong focus on security and compliance.
  • High scalability suitable for large enterprises.
  • Extensive analytics for data-driven decision-making.


  • Can be complex to set up and navigate initially.
  • May require significant training for full utilization.
  • Potentially higher costs due to advanced features.
  • Focus on large enterprises might not suit smaller companies.



  • Customer-centric approach improves personalization.
  • User-friendly interface that’s easy to navigate.
  • Seamless cross-channel conversation continuity.
  • Empowers agents with detailed customer profiles.
  • Integrates well with existing enterprise tools.


  • May not offer the same level of advanced AI functionalities as LivePerson.
  • Targeted more towards medium-sized enterprises.
  • Less focused on high-end data security features.
  • Potential limitations in handling extremely high volumes of interactions compared to LivePerson.

Use Cases


LivePerson is ideal for large enterprises needing state-of-the-art AI capabilities to manage a high volume of customer interactions. It suits industries like finance, telecommunications, and retail that require secure, compliant, and scalable communication platforms.


Gladly is best for companies aiming to offer a personalized customer service experience and build long-term customer relationships. It is suitable for retail brands, e-commerce, and lifestyle companies focused on increasing customer loyalty and enhancing the efficiency of service teams.


In comparing LivePerson and Gladly, it is evident that both platforms offer valuable features but are designed to meet different needs. LivePerson excels with its advanced AI capabilities and scalability, making it ideal for large enterprises requiring robust security and high interaction volumes. It focuses on leveraging data and AI to optimize customer interactions at scale.

In contrast, Gladly stands out for its customer-centric approach and intuitive design. It is perfect for businesses that prioritize building lasting customer relationships through personalized service. Its seamless cross-channel integration and user-friendly features make it a compelling choice for medium-sized enterprises.

Ultimately, the choice between LivePerson and Gladly should be based on your business size, industry requirements, and specific customer service goals. For those seeking advanced AI-driven solutions and scalability, LivePerson is the go-to option. For organizations prioritizing personalized and seamless customer interactions, Gladly offers a more tailored fit.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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