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July 24, 2024
XX min read

Breathe vs AlexisHR


Choosing the right Human Resource Information System (HRIS) can make a significant difference in streamlining HR processes and improving overall operational efficiency. This comparison will delve into two notable HRIS tools: Breathe and AlexisHR.

Breathe is a multi-award-winning simple and secure people software that supports UK and Australian SMEs by shifting core HR processes online. This transition saves time, offers peace of mind, and facilitates business operations regardless of location.

AlexisHR, on the other hand, focuses on automating administrative tasks for people operations while providing valuable insights about employees. Customizable to suit various workflows, AlexisHR handles onboarding, time management, documentation, reviews, and more. It consolidates all employee data in one place, enabling access to reports, statistics, and trends that highlight HR's strategic value in an organization.

Comparing these two HRIS tools is crucial for businesses aiming to enhance HR efficiency and select the most fitting platform for their specific needs.

Breathe Overview

Breathe's core mission is to simplify HR operations for small to medium enterprises. Designed with an intuitive interface, it shifts traditional HR tasks into a digital format, making it suitable for businesses looking to modernize their HR functions.

Key Features

  • Employee Database: Centralized storage of employee information accessible from anywhere.
  • Leave Management: Simplified leave application and approval processes with a clear overview of leave schedules.
  • Performance Management: Tools to set and track performance goals, conduct reviews, and gather feedback.
  • Document Management: Secure storage and easy access to important company documents.
  • HR Reporting: Generate insightful reports to analyze employee data and make informed decisions.
  • Compliance Management: Tools to help ensure that HR practices comply with local regulations.
  • User Permissions: Flexible roles and permissions to control access to sensitive information.
  • Support for Remote Working: Features designed to support businesses with distributed teams.

AlexisHR Overview

AlexisHR aims to streamline HR processes through comprehensive automation and insightful data analytics. It integrates seamlessly with existing workflows, making it a robust solution for effectively managing people operations.

Key Features

  • Automated Onboarding: Streamlined onboarding processes that save time and enhance new employee experiences.
  • Time Management: Efficient time-tracking capabilities to manage employee working hours and attendance.
  • Document Management: Central repository for all necessary documents with easy access and management.
  • Performance Reviews: Comprehensive tools for conducting regular performance reviews and providing feedback.
  • HR Analytics: Advanced analytics and reporting features to gain insights into workforce trends and metrics.
  • Customizable Workflows: Tailor the platform to meet specific business needs and workflows.
  • Integration Capabilities: Integration with other business tools to enhance HR operations.
  • Data Security: High standards of data security and compliance with data protection regulations.


Breathe and AlexisHR share multiple similarities, making them both valuable choices for companies looking to improve their HR operations:

  • Centralized Employee Data Management: Both tools offer a centralized platform for storing and managing employee data, ensuring easy access and reliability.
  • Document Management: Each platform provides secure and efficient ways to store and manage important HR documents.
  • Performance Tracking: Tools for setting performance goals, tracking progress, and conducting reviews are present in both Breathe and AlexisHR.
  • Leave/Time Management: Both systems offer functionality to manage employee leave and time-tracking effectively.
  • HR Reporting: Capabilities to generate reports that offer insights into employee data, which aids in informed decision-making.
  • Compliance Support: Features aimed at ensuring that HR processes comply with relevant regulations.


While Breathe and AlexisHR share core functionalities, they differ in several aspects that might sway a company's decision based on unique needs:

  • Customization: AlexisHR offers a higher degree of customization, allowing businesses to tailor the platform to specific workflows and processes.
  • Automation: AlexisHR emphasizes automation to a greater extent, reducing manual administrative tasks significantly.
  • HR Analytics: AlexisHR excels in advanced analytics and reporting features, providing deeper insights into workforce trends.
  • Geographic Focus: Breathe is predominantly focused on supporting SMEs in the UK and Australia, whereas AlexisHR's scope can be more globally versatile.
  • Integration with Other Tools: AlexisHR provides more robust integration capabilities, enhancing interoperability with existing business tools.
  • Remote Work Features: While both support remote work, Breathe explicitly markets its features for businesses with distributed teams.

Pros and Cons



  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to navigate, making it simple to adopt and use.
  • Compliance Management: Tools to help companies meet local HR regulations, particularly useful for UK and Australian businesses.
  • Focus on SMEs: Tailored features that address specific needs of small to medium-sized enterprises.
  • Support for Remote Work: Adequate features to help manage remote teams effectively.


  • Limited Customization: Less flexibility in customizing workflows and processes compared to AlexisHR.
  • Basic Analytics: Reporting features might lack the depth of insights offered by more analytics-focused platforms.
  • Regional Focus: Primarily serves UK and Australian markets, which might limit its appeal to businesses outside these regions.



  • Customizable Platform: Highly flexible to accommodate various business workflows and processes.
  • Strong Automation: Reduces manual administrative burdens significantly.
  • Advanced Analytics: Provides valuable insights and trends, helping to leverage HR's strategic role in the organization.
  • Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly integrates with other tools, streamlining HR operations.
  • Global Scope: Suitable for businesses operating in multiple regions.


  • Complex Setup: The flexibility and customization might involve a steeper learning curve during setup.
  • Cost Factor: The advanced features and customization might come at a higher price point.
  • Potential Overwhelm: The extensive features might be more than what a small business needs.

Use Cases


Ideal for:

  • UK and Australian SMEs: Specifically designed to meet the HR needs of small to medium-sized businesses in these regions.
  • Companies Seeking Simplicity: Businesses looking for an easy-to-use platform without complex setup requirements.
  • Remote Teams: Firms with distributed teams needing support in managing remote work.


Ideal for:

  • Businesses Requiring Customization: Organizations that need to tailor the HRIS to fit specific workflows and processes.
  • Companies Focused on Data Analytics: Businesses that prioritize detailed insights and trends from HR data.
  • Organizations with High Administrative Loads: Firms aiming to automate significant portions of their administrative HR tasks.
  • Global Businesses: Companies operating across multiple regions, requiring a versatile HR platform.


Both Breathe and AlexisHR present robust solutions for HR management but cater to different business needs:

  • Breathe is best suited for UK and Australian SMEs looking for a user-friendly, straightforward platform to digitize their HR processes. Its focus on compliance management and support for remote work makes it ideal for smaller businesses in these regions.

  • AlexisHR is a versatile tool that excels in customization and advanced data analytics. It is well suited for businesses needing a highly flexible HRIS to automate administrative tasks and gain deep insights into workforce trends. Its global scope and integration capabilities make it a strong choice for larger or more complex organizations.

When choosing between the two, consider your company's size, location, need for customization, preference for automation, and the level of analytical insight required. Your specific requirements and strategic objectives will guide you to the most fitting HRIS tool.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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