Chandler is a product marketer with a particular love for storytelling. She is eager to bring Guru's story to life one blog post at a time. When she isn't writing, you can find her doing the crossword puzzle or eating her way through Philly's food scene.
Enabling Your Newly Remote Sales Team with Knowledge Management
Find out which problems a knowledge management solution can solve for your newly remote sales teams and ensure that your reps can keep working, wherever they are.
When thinking about knowledge management, many companies make the mistake of limiting the scope of what they consider “knowledge” to be. Re-examine your organization's definition to find out if you're maximizing your knowledge strategy.
How Hootsuite Makes Outstanding Customer Experience a Competitive Differentiator
Kirsty Traill, VP Customer at Hootsuite, has spent her entire career laser-focused on the customer and customer experience. Read about how she approaches customer experience, the practical implications of chatbots, and the future of AI.
Why Branding Should Be Every Executive's Top Priority
In a world of fierce competition where feature parity is easier than ever to achieve, branding has become a stronger indicator of a winning product than feature differentiation. Here's why leading with your brand is your best bet.
Invest in Your Sales Team by Making Your Company Culture Knowledge-Driven
Sales team turnover is costly, we'll break down the stats to show you why building a knowledge driven culture for your sales teams will save you time and money.
How Incorporating Core Values Into Your Interview Process Can Be a Competitive Differentiator
A strong foundation of core values is crucial to building the right company culture — and the right team. Focusing your interview approach on choosing new hires based on values alignment will make your culture more than just a way of life: it will become
Slack's Guru Power Users Share Their Knowledge Management Best Practices
Slack is a valued Guru customer and a shining example of optimal knowledge management. Find out how 4 Guru power users empower their teams with knowledge.
Ellie Wu, Senior Director, Customer Success (CS), at SAP Concur challenges her CS team to aim for more than just customer happiness. Read why she thinks settling for happiness is not aiming high enough.
How Lucidchart’s Support Team Drives Revenue by Helping Customers Help Themselves
Lucidchart's customer support team delights customers and drives revenue by helping customers help themselves to help center and community resources. Read how their 10-person team has kept ticket volume flat and 15 million customers happy.
How to Be a Better Bicoastal Team: 5 Takeaways From Our Marketing Offsite
Guru's marketing team spent three days at an offsite in San Francisco to regroup, bond, and strategize. Here are five things we learned about being better bicoastal teammates.
Industry Leaders Agree: Successful Sales Enablement Focuses On Conversations, Not Content
When it comes to empowering salespeople, too many sales enablement solutions fall short by placing the emphasis on content rather than conversations. Find out why five industry leaders think that the key to sales enablement lies in having better conversa
Under Fyre: Former Chief Storyteller at Box Dissects the Fyre Pitch Deck
As the former Chief Storyteller at Box, Doug Landis is an expert at crafting slide decks that tell compelling stories. We sat down with Doug to talk through the infamous Fyre Festival pitch deck; what it takes to tell a great story; and where the Fyre de
When It Comes to New Year’s Resolutions, Think FAST, Not SMART
Happy New Year from your friends at Guru! We're setting goals for 2019 that are FAST: frequently discussed, ambitious, specific, and transparent. Read how you can make your goals FAST too.
Using AI to Empower Humans to Work Smarter, Not Replace Them
Our goal at Guru is to deliver AI that empowers all customer-facing teams to work smarter, engage more effectively with customers, and ultimately drive revenue.
How InVision's Sales Enablement Manager Empowers His Sales Team to Have Better Conversations
InVision is a digital product design platform that powers exceptional user experiences. We sat down with sales enablement manager Mike Garber to talk about how he uses Guru to empower InVision's sales team to have better conversations with prospects.
Giving Thanks: Why at Guru We Don't Give Back, We Give First
At Guru, we have 7 core values around which we orient our culture. While we demonstrate these values in action year-round, we wanted to take an opportunity this Thanksgiving to reflect on one value in particular and the obligation we, and every company,
Industry Leaders Agree: Customer Support Is a Revenue Generator, Not a Cost Center
Read how 6 leaders from companies like Shopify and HubSpot are rethinking their companies’ approach to support and empowering their teams to drive revenue.
A Gurusome Halloween: 10 Guru-Verified Costume Ideas
As we like to say at Guru, the Halloween costume you need to do your job should find you where you work. So we’ve rounded up our favorite Guru-Verified employee costumes for a little last-minute inspiration. Happy Halloween from the guys and ghouls of Gu
Every organization deals with lack of knowledge sharing. Here are the top 8 ways knowledge can be hidden and how to encourage knowledge sharing instead.
Is Your Internal Knowledge Base Active or Passive?
Your company's internal knowledge base can be your greatest strength, biggest weakness, or somewhere in between. The strongest knowledge bases are active and help drive revenue. The weakest are passive. Walk through Guru's knowledge tree exercise to find
How SimplePractice Created a Culture Where Knowledge Management Matters
Laura Teichmiller is Knowledge Systems Manager at SimplePractice, a top-reviewed practice management platform. Get a sneak peek of Guru's upcoming webinar with Laura to find out how she created a knowledge-centric culture at SimplePractice.