Leah is a writer and content marketer originally from Guru's hometown of Philadelphia, now based in the Bay Area. Thanks to a deep and abiding love of all things pop culture, her storytelling instincts have been informed by repeated viewings of Friday Night Lights, the back catalog of Belle & Sebastian, and the writings of Maile Meloy.
The Knowledge You Needed in 2019: The Best of Guru 🎉
From your favorite blog posts to a look back at all of the improvements and new product features Guru rolled out in 2019, we've got the knowledge you need.
4 Keys to a Successful New Hire Onboarding Process
When you have a company that’s growing rapidly, you have to nail your employee onboarding experience. Here are 3 essential tactics to improve the process.
See How Guru Celebrated a Hybrid Company Kickoff for 2022
A party that finds you: our 2022 company kickoff (CKO) was a hybrid celebration from coast to coast. Get the inside scoop on the Guru employee experience.
Change the Conversation: 5 Sales Pitching Lessons from Mad Men
Don Draper was a man who knew how to give a sales pitch; and while he and his clients were but fictional characters, there are five main practices that real-world sales reps can borrow from the show to hone their own pitching habits.
Trusted Election Info: Register to Vote & Read a Poll Like a Pro
Need some help navigating election news? See and share voter registration deadlines by state, and learn from a pollster how to read and interpret polls.
Be an informed voter with these resources that will help you separate fact from fiction. Learn where to find the info you need to fill out your ballot!
Sales Knowledge Playbook: Fast-Tracking Your Content Request
Don't get let content in the way of closing a deal! Learn how to make a priority request for new or refreshed sales content to your content marketing team.
Want to terrify coworkers? Ask them if they know where to find company info. This Halloween, check out three scary customer stories of work before Guru.
Using Knowledge Management As A Service In Different Industries
Wondering how a knowledge management database can be an effective system for your industry sector? Learn more about the integration of knowledge management.
How Next-Generation Knowledge Management Drives IT Business Innovation
Making knowledge maintenance a process that everyone owns not only takes the burden off of the IT org, it creates efficiency and security company-wide.
Guru wants to make sure that the knowledge you need to do your job finds you, so, for fun, we thought you should know your knowledge management horoscope.
Keep on top of the changing sales enablement landscape and be an effective sales enablement manager. Check out this month's top sales enablement resources.
Invest in Post-Purchase Customer Experience to Drive CX Impact
The true opportunity to create a customer for life comes after the first purchase. To realize CX impact, invest in the post-purchase customer experience.
Sales Knowledge Playbook: Ditch Workarounds and Boost Your Win Rate
If sales enablement is about making sales people better at their jobs, the first place to start is with research. Doing a little digging can have a huge impact on your long term revenue goals. After all, if you can only control your side of the process,
Know Your Terminology: Customer Support vs Customer Experience
What's the difference between customer support and customer experience? Discover the impact great customer support has on the overall customer experience.
Why Your Company Should Power Up From a Traditional Wiki
Find out why traditional internal company wikis aren't longterm solutions to your knowledge management problem -- and what you should look for instead.
Stop Managing Knowledge and Bring Your Knowledge Network to Life
If your internal knowledge base is just a cache of available notes and assets instead of a knowledge network, you’re going to manage your company’s critical knowledge into obsolescence.
There are 2 versions of every tech stack: the long list of apps you have, and the short list of the ones you actually use. See how to find more efficiency.
Rethinking Your Knowledge Base Architecture: Why Bite-Size is Best
If you're relying on Control-F to search through multi-page documents in your corporate knowledge repository, it's time to rethink your knowledge architecture entirely — and move towards short-form, easily consumable, discrete pieces of knowledge.
Leah E. Friedman
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